Command Documentation

Getting Started

If you are not new to Discord bots and/or using any Discord bots, you may skip this section

If you have not already, add Sheri blossom to your server by using this link. The base command prefix is fur. All non-slash commands have to start with the command prefix for Sheri to recognize the commands. For an example: furhelpfur is the prefix and help is the command. Most of the commands Sheri has requires a few Discord permissions to properly work, Without these permissions, You will run into issues. We usually recommend giving Sheri the administrator permission that way you won't run into any permission issues.

The following permissions REQUIRED for any bot to work on any Discord server is READ MESSAGES, SEND MESSAGES, and EMBED MESSAGES. If wish to utulize moderation features or other server management features to make your admin life on your server easier, then you need to grant the proper administrative permissions. In order to perform these administrative actions, the bot's role has to be above that of the user to manage the user. Discord does it this way to prevent administrative abuse from members.

Command Slash Aliases Subcategory Usage Description
interact true N/A SFW /interact \u003Cendpoint_name\u003E \u003Cuser_mention\u003E
cocksize true N/A NSFW /social cocksize [@user(s)] Detects user\u0027s penis length. Enter multiple users for an accurate comparison!
rp true char, character Roleplay /rp Displays the various RP commands and their functions
divorce false N/A Marriage furdivorce [@user | ID#] Divorce your soul mates.
rp create true n/a Roleplay /rp create Initiates the RP character creation process. Sheri will DM a member to collect details about their character. Privacy settings must allow DMs from server members, otherwise error 403 will be returned.
spouses true N/A Marriage /social spouses [@user] See who you put that ring on OwO
rp list true N/A Roleplay /rp list Lists a members RP characters
rp post true N/A Roleplay /rp post \u003Ccharacter\u003E Posts a character\u0027s information to the server\u0027s designated RP character info channel. Requires an output channel to be set from the dashboard.
rp view true n/a Roleplay /rp view [character] Displays a character\u0027s information
Command Slash Aliases Subcategory Usage Description
media true N/A Base /media \u003Cendpoint\u003E This will provide images from our database of your choosing. use /media listall to get all available endpoints!
e621 false e6 E621 | R34 furre621 [TAGS] Up to 5 tags! This command is NSFW.
Command Slash Aliases Subcategory Usage Description
duh false N/A Information furrduh Posts a reply that let\u0027s users know pings are a part of discord and educates them how to suppress them
help false N/A Information furrhelp displays helpful information
onlinestats true N/A Information /utility onlinestats Return stats on how many users are using what version of discord. Desktop, web, mobile ect.
massadd users true N/A Bulk Actions /utility massadd users role Adds ALL USERS to the specified role excluding bots.
remind me true N/A Reminders /utility remind me 1h30m take out the trash Reminds you in your direct messages to take out the trash
sys true n/a Information /info sys Get info on the hardware Sheri is running on.
guildcount true n/a Information /utility guildcount Stats of all of sheri statistics of servers, members, etx
massadd bots true N/A Bulk Actions /utility massadd bots role Adds ALL BOTS to the specified role.
sinfo true n/a Information /utility sinfo
massadd all true N/A Bulk Actions /utility massadd all role Adds the specified role to EVERYONE.
massnick true n/a Bulk Actions /utility massnick \u003Crole\u003E \u003Cnickname\u003E If you have spaces in your role:\u000D\u000Afurmn \u0022Role with spaces\u0022 Sheri\u0027s Playmates
mnclear true n/a Bulk Actions /utility mnclear \u003Crole\u003E If you have spaces in your role: furmnc \u0022Role with spaces\u0022
massremove all true N/A Bulk Actions /utility massremove all role Removes the specified role from EVERYONE
massremove bots true N/A Bulk Actions /utility massremove bots role Removes ALL BOTS from the specified role.
massremove users true N/A Bulk Actions /utility massremove users role Removes ALL USERS from the specified role.
poll true N/A Misc /utility poll Is it time for dinner yet?
uinfo true n/a Information /utility uinfo \u003Cusermention if not yourself\u003E
cmdstats true N/A Information /info cmdstats Shows you the most used commands as well as the most recent.
ping true N/A Information /info ping Gets my ping to discord.
avatar true N/A Information /utility avatar [@user] Get the avatar of yourself or someone else. You don\u0027t need to mention yourself to get your avatar.
suggest true N/A Information /info suggest \u003Csuggestion\u003E This command sends the community and Developers a notice of your suggestion. The community can then vote on whether they would like to see the suggestion added to Sheri.
staff true N/A Information /info staff [@user]
Shard false N/A Information furrshard What shard is your server on? Find out!
invite false joinme, join, botinvite Information furrinvite gives you a link to add Sheri to your own server
emote false N/A Misc furemote [emoticon]
onlineinfo true N/A Information /utility onlineinfo [@member or ID] Returns information on which client a user is currently connected to discord on. Desktop, Mobile, or Web
feedback true N/A Information /info feedback \u003Cfeedback\u003E Send feedback or other information you may wish to the Sheri developers. Do not use for suggestions or bug reports. Suggestions use suggest or nsuggest slash commands and bug reports are done through the server forum
Commands false N/A Information furcommands gives you a link to this page
remind here true N/A Reminders /utility remind here 1h30m take out the trash Reminds you in the channel you ran the command in to take out the trash in 1 hour and 30 minutes
Command Slash Aliases Subcategory Usage Description
profile true N/A Economy /profile Info of your current inventory and levels
wheeloffortune true N/A Games /fun wheeloffortune \u003Cbid\u003E Spin the wheel and see if you win!
giveaway true N/A Fun /giveaway start (Requires Administrator perms) Start with \u0022/giveaway\u0022 with no arguments to see the many options Sheri offers. | \u0022/giveaway start\u0022 starts the guided giveaway creation process. | \u0022/giveaway pick\u0022 picks the winner(s) of the giveaway and ends it. | \u0022/giveaway reroll\u0022 reselects a winner. | \u0022/giveaway stop\u0022 ends a giveaway.
munbox false N/A Economy furmunbox \u003C#\u003E Multi unbox feature. Use to open multiple furboxes at once.
njoke true N/A Fun /fun njoke Optional user can be mentioned
unbox true unwrap Economy /economy unbox \u003Coption\u003E \u003C#\u003E If you a have a [furbox] and a [furkey], you get some doubloons. \u000D\u000A\u000D\u000Aalso some animals \u000D\u000A\u000D\u000AYou\u0027ll also receive a random image depending if the channel NSFW or not.
wisdom true wis Fun /fun wisdom Gives inspirational Quotes
roast true N/A Fun /fun roast Roasting Copypasta
craft false N/A Economy furcraft Gives info how the crafting works for boxes and keys.
buy box true N/A Economy /economy buy box [#] Purchase a furbox.
unbinary false N/A Fun furrunbinary Convert binary to text
buy key false N/A Economy /economy buy key [#] Purchase a key(s).
coinflip true flip Fun /fun coin flip a coin
tdance true N/A Fun /fun tdance \u003Ctext\u003E Converts text/sentence to dancing emojis
release false N/A Economy furrelease \u003Citem\u003E furrelease \u003Cfox | bunny | wolves\u003E
daily true N/A Economy /daily Get a daily reward of random keys, box and doubloons every 24 hours. You also get a random image depending on if the channel NSFW or not.
randomness true rnd Fun /fun random Useless Paragraphs
pun true N/A Fun /fun pun Puns :D!
owo false N/A Fun furowo Translates text into owo\u0027s from
nicknameme false party Fun furnicknameme Give you a random nickname
joke true N/A Fun /fun joke Have a laugh
identitycrisis true ic Fun /fun identitycrisis Identifcation CopyPastas
hi true N/A Fun /fun hi Hi Copypastas
heresthething true htt Fun /fun heresthething So here\u0027s the thing Copypastas
friend true N/A Fun /fun friend Gives Friendship Quotes
fact true N/A Fun /fun fact Gets a random fact from
8ball true N/A Fun /fun 8ball \u003Ctext:\u003E Talk to the 8ball at
Command Slash Aliases Subcategory Usage Description
unregister true N/A Registration /registration unregister Remove your roles from registration, allowing you to register again
levelroles add false lvlroles levelrole Leveling System furlevelroles add [LVL #] [Role] Adds a role to the guild\u0027s level role list. [Requires Manage Roles Permission and Sheri\u0027s highest role must be above that of what she is assigning]
eat true N/A Message Deleting /eat \u003CContentType\u003E [quantity] Gives you a list of what Sheri can delete for you.
lvlset toggle false levelset Guild Settings furlvlset toggle \u0022levels\u0022 Whether level notifications should be on/off
level false N/A Leveling System furlevel [@user] Get the level xp of a user or yourself if none.
forceunregister true N/A Role Zone /registration forceunregister \u003CID | @mention\u003E Revokes registration of target member by ID or mention. Requires Manage Roles permission.
setnick true n/a Mod Zone /setnick [@member] [nickname] Set a member\u0027s nickname. \u000D\u000ALeave blank to clear the nickname of yourself or another member. \u000D\u000ARequires [Manage Nicknames permission]
eat all true N/A Message Deleting /eat all [number] Prunes messages \u000D\u000A\u000D\u000A⚠️ WARNING: Using this command without specifying a numeric value will delete a very large number of messages and will severely rate limit Sheri on your server for a little bit.\u000D\u000A\u000D\u000APlease only exclude numeric values if you wish to deep clean a channel.
selfroles false sr Role Zone furrselfroles Gives you info on how to manage the self roles
lvlset levelmessage false levelmsg, lvlmsg Guild Settings furlvlset levelmessage [message] A custom leveling message. Formats: {member}, {name}, {displayname}, {mention}, {guild}, {level}
slowmode true N/A Mod Zone /slowmode \u003Ctime in seconds\u003E alias of fursm. Max time is 21600 or 6 hours.\u000D\u000ARequires user running command to have manage messages permissions.
registration setup true N/A Registration /registration setup \u003COption\u003E \u0022/registration setup clear\u0022 clears registration role ID\u0027s from sheri\u0027s database\u000D\u000A\u0022/registration setup set\u0022 activates registration and makes roles as needed
levelroles remove false N/A Leveling System furlevelroles delete [LVL #] Removes a role from the leveled role list on the guild. [Requires Manage Roles Permission]
eat user true N/A Message Deleting /eat user \u003C@user\u003E [number] Removes messages sent by the specified user
kick true N/A Mod Zone /kick [@user] [reason] Kicks member. [Requires Kick Member Permissions]
nsfw false N/A Guild Settings furnsfw Changes the channel NSFW flag On/Off [Need Manage Channel Permissions]
selfroles add true N/A Role Zone /messageroles add \u003Crole\u003E \u003Cmessage ID\u003E \u003Cchannel\u003E used to add an existing role to your chosen message. [Requires Manage Roles Permission and Sheri\u0027s highest role must be above that of what she is assigning]
introenable false N/A Registration furreg introenable Enables/disables the premium introduction system
selfrole delete true N/A Role Zone /messageroles remove [role] [message ID] \u003Cchannel\u003E Removes a role to the self role configuration. Note that role names are case sensitive. [Requires Manage Roles Permission]
introchannel false N/A Registration furreg introchannel [channel] Sets the channel for the premium introduction system.
levelroles list false N/A Leveling System furlevelroles list Gives a list of the guild\u0027s leveled roles.
eat contains true N/A Message Deleting /eat contains [text] Searches the last 100 messages for the specified text and deletes those with matching content
unmute true N/A Mod Zone /unmute [@user] Unmutes a member.\u000D\u000A[Requires the \u0022Kick Members\u0022 permission]
resetallguildlevels false N/A Leveling System furresetallguildlevels Erases ALL server xp of ALL members. Must answer yes or no to confirm. Requires Administrator permission. \u000D\u000A⚠️ WARNING: Cannot be undone!
iam false grant Role Zone furiam [role] Gives the caller the role specified if on configuration or list
mute true N/A Mod Zone /mute [@user] [Reason] Mutes a member.\u000D\u000A[Requires the \u0022Kick Members\u0022 permission]
eat embeds true N/A Message Deleting /eat embeds [quantity] Bye bye embed messages.
intromessage false N/A Registration furreg intromessage [message] The message which will be displayed to the channel you chose after registration.
unban true N/A Mod Zone /unban [Member ID] [reason] Unbans member. [Requires Kick Member Permissions]
iamnot false revoke Role Zone furiamnot [Role] Removes the role specified from the caller.
eat files true N/A Message Deleting /eat files [quantity] Bye bye attachment messages
add role true N/A Role Zone /mod addrole [member] [role] Adds a role to a user.
ban true N/A Mod Zone /ban [@user] [reason] Bans member. [Requires Ban Member Permissions]
eat images true N/A Message Deleting /eat images [quantity] Adios messages that contain images within them
reactrole false N/A Role Zone furreactrole \u003Cchannel\u003E \u003Cmessage_id\u003E \u003Cemoji\u003E \u003Crole\u003E Adds a reaction that if people react to adds the set role to them. Note that role names are case sensitive. [Requires Manage Roles Permission and Sheri\u0027s highest role must be above that of what she is assigning]
eat reactions true N/A Message Deleting /eat reactions [quantity] Reactions? Messages? BEGONE!
modactivity false modactivities, modactions Mod Zone furmodactivity @member Reads the audit log and returns a count of moderation actions taken by yourself or a mentioned user. Mention optional: Run the command without a mention to check your own stats.
awayclear false N/A Mod Zone furrawayclear [@user] Clear a member\u0027s away status. This is useful if someone has set an inappropriate status that may need to be cleared in accordance with the rules or policies of a server or those of Discord. \u000D\u000A[Requires Administrator permission]
eat bots true N/A Message Deleting /eat bots [number] Deletes messages sent by bots. Real useful if members run bot commands in the wrong channel.
eat emoji true N/A Message Deleting /eat emoji [quantity] Bye bye messages that have emoji(s) in them.
Command Slash Aliases Subcategory Usage Description
premium true N/A Info /donor premium Active premium membership after donating. (must have patreon and discord linked)
spam true N/A Spam /donor spam Gives a list of commands under spam. Numbers from 2 \u002D 10!
charges true N/A Guild Premium commands /donor charges Gives info of how many servers you have given premium too.
deprime true N/A Guild Premium commands /donor deprime stop priming a server for guild premium
check true N/A Info /donor check \u003Cuser\u003E check if a user is a premium user.
donate true N/A Info /donor donate Provides a link to our Patreon page
imgseek true N/A Guild Premium commands /donor imgseek \u003Cendpoint\u003E \u003C#\u003E seek through a said endpoint \u003Cneeds user premium\u003E
prime true N/A Guild Premium commands /donor prime To enabled prime on the given server.
Command Slash Aliases Subcategory Usage Description
away true N/A Miscellaneous /away \u003Cmessage:\u003E Set an away message so when people mention you, it gives your AFK. Do it again to remove the away message
donor true N/A Miscellaneous /donor check Returns if you are a donor or not.